5 Methods for Increasing App Engagement & User Retention | Process Of App Development
Mobile engagement and user retention are two main indicators for the performance of every mobile business app. At the other hand, low app engagement and user retention lead to the app loss, and the opposite of its high retention results in the app’s performance.
It’s easy to assume that user acquisition is the central metric for assessing mobile app performance, but high download rates do not yield any business value without active users. Brands are investing huge amounts of money attracting users; but, it only starts here. The interest is in engaging and maintaining users after obtaining them.
App Engagement: App Engagement is a process to describe the number of active users on the application. It’s a measure of how much and how long people downloaded the app actually use it, and to what extent. It doesn’t matter what metrics and statics are used — like daily visits, purchases, etc.—all these allow the user to be involved after the initial launch of the app.
App Retention: App retention is a subjective term. It signifies the percentage of users of an app who are returning to the app within three months of their last app session.
Increasing engagement and retention will lead to more active and loyal app users.
Here are some methods for Increasing App Engagement & User Retention:-
1. Simple and Dynamic Onboarding:
You will increase the Mobile app engagement and user retention with an efficient onboarding process. Most apps don’t necessarily have a easy and complex onboard operation. The method of onboarding the device should be not only easy but also intuitive. The onboard phase further chances of users leaving the app are more complicated.
Here are some ways to simplify user onboarding:
Reduce the number of steps needed to build an account or sign up and provide several ways to register (login with Facebook or Google, for example).
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